
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

5 Jul 2012


  • July 05, 2012
  • by Nur Imroatun Sholihat
Her glory right now reminds me of the hard work she did in the past. I've watched her since the world didn't believe in her big dreams. "It's too much, Nez", they said. But Nez, I do really agree with your motto “ Dream, Believe,& Make It Happen!” no matter what others say.

It’s been a long time I'm wondering, why should people hate someone just because she’s optimistic? Agnes Monica, I don't know why haters mocking her. But, I do appreciate everything she does. I’ve learned a lot from her. She doesn't only show the world that the young generation must have many dreams. About nothing’s instant, hard work, and totality for passion are necessary. Agnez’s hard work is the actual hard work: use the best effort, never give up, and stop complaining. Lastly, she always demonstrates amazing consistency tirelessly. As a young person, I think, I don't need looking for a distant idol to learn about hard work and consistency. She’s absolutely excellent for her strong will.

Maybe, because I’m walking with my dreams, she becomes my inspiration. Dreams are not always become true, perhaps a lotta dream seems useless. But I couldn’t mind if I have no dreams. Maybe I’m not trying my hardest. Maybe I’m giving up before trying more and more. Maybe I’m stopping my steps when crashed even a bit hard difficulty.

Dreams are something make our life moving forward.

“When haters were busy talkin', I was busy making it happen. When they were busy mocking, I was busy walking. When they were busy laughing, I was busy running. And they’re STILL wondering why they’re left behind…” –Agnes Monica-

No offense, everyone has his/her own perception about Nez. But I choose to like her, follow her as an inspiration of my life. I’m not great, that’s why I need that much dream to make my life stronger and happier. I choose to believe for my dreams, just like what Nez said,” Dream, Believe,& Make It Happen!”

Congrats Agnes for your double awards at AMI 2012.


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