
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

18 Feb 2014


  • February 18, 2014
  • by Nur Imroatun Sholihat
After watched last episode of Winner TV, this random mind suddenly popped out. I love bromance/womance: two or more persons supporting each other as their friend’s body is their very own. 

IMZ’s Random Files No: 51342
Saya kembali diingatkan betapa sulitnya 11 trainees YG yang dibagi menjadi 2 tim (team A dan Team B) harus bersaing untuk memperebutkan kesempatan debut lebih dahulu. Yes, they were competing and their hearts ached. Ketimbang memilih untuk menulis lagu tentang cinta, di final battle Tim A (yang kemudian menjadi pemenang dan menyandang nama Winner) menciptakan lagu tentang suatu saat nanti kesebelas dari mereka akan bersama-sama berdiri di depan kamera. Di episode terakhir Winner TV, reality show tentang keseharian Winner, satu persatu member team B mengirimkan dukungan. Member Winner dibuat menangis mengingat persaingan dengan team B yang sudah dianggap keluarga. Mereka berlatih bersama, mengucurkan keringat yang tak terkira jumlahnya demi cita, dan mengetuk pintu mimpi yang sama. They run into the same goal: to be a renowned musician. They’re battling but supporting each other just like a blood brotherhood. Winner and team B bromance gimme goosebumps indeed. Yes, I hope to see all of you share the same stage again.
Another deep affection makes me agree with bromance’s coolness is GD-Taeyang friendship. In front of camera, they're not that close. But in days, GD is Taeyang’s biggest supporter and contrarily. Messi-Alves is a form of bromance as well. I think friendship makes people show their hidden strengths. This kind of bond conjure everybody involved shines brightly. They’re shine without outshine their friends. That’s why I adore bromance/womance.

I do believe that friendship is one of human’s greatest power source.

In this episode, beside team B's video messages, YB's Flying Butterfly covered by Winner and was so touching. I feel something burning inside my heart. I'm waiting for your debut, supertalented boys :)

"Five kids who dont know how high the sky is. Eventhough this TV has ended, its now the start of Winner. I'll spread my wings far and wide. I'll freely fly across the world. A singing, dancing. I'm a beautiful butterfly." -- Flying Butterfly, Winner
(naneun areumdaun nabi)
image source: here


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