
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

7 Aug 2016


  • August 07, 2016
  • by Nur Imroatun Sholihat
"What helps you overcome obstacles isn't brain but someone who will take your hand and will not let you go. In the end, that's family." - Reply 1988 
Hello. It’s been a week Reply 1988 lingers on my mind so, I decide to write down my withdrawal syndrome experience. I guess a lotta people who have watched it already understand the feeling of mine. There’s nothing more hopeless than should’ve moved on but enjoying the stay. Haha. The couldn’t-move-on syndrome suffers me yet I’m feeling glad.

This week I have so much thoughts running back and forth on my brain. Due to this drama, I took some time contemplating my own life. Seven days that change my perspective, a week after Reply 1988. I summarize a week after Reply 1988 into these notes:

1. Finally, I accepted Duk Seon’s decision. Haha. This one is absolutely unimportant. Mbak Ki pernah berkata pada saya: “Kalau aku jadi Duk Seon, aku pilih Taekkie. Karena kita pihak ketiga, kita tergiring ke Junghwan.”. That time, with my hopelessly biased heart to Junghwan, I couldn't comprehend her statement. Taekkie, dengan sifat kompetitifnya, tak ragu-ragu mengambil keputusan. Sebagai perempuan, seharusnya saya bisa memahami mengapa Duk Seon akhirnya memilih seseorang yang  memberinya kepastian.

2. I read it somewhere. "Taekkie may have won Duk Seon's heart but Junghwan won the entire nation and viewer's heart.". Couldn't agree anymore. Even after understood Duk Seon’s choice, still I can’t move my heart even an inch from Kim Junghwan. Semua perempuan ingin dicintai dengan cara Junghwan (dengan sedikit penyesuaian: dia memberi kepastian. Haha). His awkwardness in showing his feeling, his secret glance, his every single sweet action, his hidden smile, his thoughtfulness, his affection for his family and friends, his selflessness, his sincerity, his everything. Everyone wants him and his subtle adorable ways of showing love :)

Now, the biggest question is: the scriptwriter, why did you create such a beautiful character to awfully made him a loser, loner, a coward who pretends to be tough? *Big Bang's "Loser" lyrics though. lol.

3. Listening to the OSTs got me to fall deeper to Reply 1988. I love how each song reminds me of specific detail of the drama. "Youth", "Don't Worry, Dear" and "Ssangmundong" gave me goosebumps in an instant. Oh Hyuk’s “A Little Girl” is my current jam as the combination of Oh Hyuk and ballad purify my ears. His husky calming vocal and slow melody get along so well. On top of that, the lyrics matched Junghwan’s character (this song appeared mostly on Junghwan’s scenes). Oh Hyuk made ballad sounds different—I interpreted it as a gloomy song of a strong heart (what a weird interpretation. hihi). I’m looking forward to hearing more ballad-ish songs from Oh Hyuk :)

Stay by my side, only my side. You shouldn’t leave me.”- A Little Girl, Oh Hyuk

4. “Another term of ‘fate’ is ‘timing’.” kept bothering my mind. It hit my head hard. Sering kali, kita  terlalu sibuk memilih waktu hingga kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan sesuatu. Terkadang,  waktu yang kita ragukan sebagai waktu yang tepat justru adalah waktu yang paling kita tunggu  selama ini. Entah bagaimana caranya agar tidak tersindir oleh kalimat ini. Sebab ketika waktu yang tepat berlalu, selebihnya adalah waktu yang tidak tepat. Dengan usaha apa pun, kita tidak akan  pernah bisa kembali ke waktu yang tepat itu.

5. Siapa pun yang menonton drama ini pasti bertambah niatnya untuk menjadi sahabat, anak, dan  orang tua yang baik. Count me in. I’m grateful that this drama introduced me the beautiful moral values  about family, friendship, and love *eaaaaa.

6. Ada beberapa hal yang gagal kita dapatkan bukan karena kita tidak bisa mendapatkannya tetapi karena kita kurang bersungguh-sungguh menginginkannya. Sama seperti quote tentang timing, quote yang menyadarkan saya tentang kesungguhan dalam menginginkan berasal dari episode 18. Episode tersebut membuat lutut saya lemas dan hati remuk redam sebab di sinilah Junghwan tertampar oleh kenyataan bahwa ada seseorang lain yang lebih menginginkan Duk Seon. Episode ini juga menampar wajah saya. Ada yang harus saya perbaiki dari diri saya: bersungguh-sungguh menginginkan dan memerlukan hal yang saya impikan. Bukankah mereka yang berusaha sekuat tenaga karena benar-benar menginginkan dan berdoa paling sering sebab benar-benar memerlukan adalah yang paling berhak atas segala sesuatu?

7. Saya masih aja ngakak setiap nonton trio Dong Ryong - Sun Woo - Junghwan tampil membawakan “About Last Night” milik Sobangcha. Their helpless faces especially Junghwan’s gave me so much contentment. I can’t get enough of it. Persahabatan bisa membuat seseorang melawan rasa malu demi membahagiakan sahabatnya. Pesan inilah yang terselip dalam penampilan mereka. Oh ya, Sebenarnya semua lelucon di drama ini masih membekas di  pikiran saya sih.  Hahaha.

8. Ryu Jun Yeol (pemeran Junghwan) menjadi fenomena unik di industri hiburan Korea. Wajahnya  yang jauh dari standar visual artis Korea lainnya tidak menghalanginya menjadi seseorang yang  sangat dicintai publik. He reminded me of Jesse McCartney's song called "Beautiful  Soul". Dia  menyadarkan kita bahwa ada keindahan yang jauh lebih berkilauan dari sekadar penampilan fisik.

"I don't want another pretty face. I want you and your beautiful soul."- Beautiful Soul, Jesse McCartney

9. Sama seperti Duk Seon, saya ingin ketika menengok ke masa lalu, saya bisa tersenyum pada  kenangan. Duk Seon di masa depan bisa menceritakan kehidupan remajanya di tahun 1988 dengan  berbahagia. Saya sedang mengusahakan kehidupan yang bisa diingat kembali di masa depan dengan  gembira. The now me, be happy please. Be the one you’ll remember in the future without regret.

10. Side note: medali pertama Indonesia di ajang olimpiade diraih oleh 3 srikandi cabang olahraga  panahan di olimpiade Seoul 1988. Kita bisa melihat sedikit gambaran mengenai olimpiade ini di  episode 1 Reply 1988.   

11. Which scene caught my attention the most? It was Junghwan’s confession.“ Duk Seon, I like you.  I’m saying I like you. Hey, do you know what I’ve done because of you? I waited an hour by the front door every day to go to school with you. I waited every night until you came home from studying. I  couldn’t sleep worrying about you. ‘Why is she so late?’. ‘Did she fall asleep again?’. Hey, I thought  of nothing but you. Just you. When I ran into you, by chance, on the bus and when we went to the  concert also when I got the shirt from you on my birthday I was so happy that I thought I was crazy. I  wanted to see you more than a dozen times a day. I was happy just to see you. I wanted to tell you this a long time ago.” with Lee Moon Sae’s “Girl” as BGM + a ring + If-it-wasn’t-for-you-I-will-never-propose-someone-this-serious face + flashback of the things Junghwan did for Duk Seon + in the end he pretends it wasn’t a real proposal because he knew Duk Seon’s  heart isn’t his *sobbing so hard *back then I didn’t know how to stop crying. Even until now, the pain and bitterness still linger on my heart.

Mungkin terdengar berlebihan (terutama buat yang belum nonton. hehe) tapi beneran deh drama ini bikin susah move on. Anyway, did I mention Junghwan’s name too often? Seperti yang saya khawatirkan di tulisan sebelumnya, dan terbukti benar, akar dari keengganan saya beralih dari drama ini adalah Junghwan. Hihi. Sekian catatan ketidak-move on-an saya. Salam gagal move on :D
(That might be why youth is beautiful. Because it shines blindingly bright at a brilliant short moment.-Reply 1988)
image source: clover-blossoms.com


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