
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

About me


I'mNur Imroatun Sholihat

IT Auditor and Storyteller

So I heard you are curious about IT and/or auditing. I'm your go-to buddy in this exciting journey. My typical professional life consists of performing (and studying!) IT audit and managing the award-winning magazine, Auditoria. Armed with a Master's in Digital Transformation from UNSW Sydney, I'm currently wearing multiple hats—ambassador at IIA Indonesia's Young Leader Community, mentor at ISACA Global, Head of Public Relations at MoF-Cybersecurity Community, and trainer at IIA Indonesia. You'll also find me sharing insights on my YouTube channel, speaking at seminars, and crafting content on LinkedIn. Let's connect and dive into the world of IT and auditing together!



source: twitter.com/safina5x
Tonight, I’ll go back to Jakarta leaving the city I’ve been into for the last 2 years. When I went to perform subh prayer with Upi, we talked about this very last day we’ll stand in the same land. I said to her, “but it’s kinda surprising that we’re much stronger than we thought before, right?”


“You haven’t changed at all after 8 years.”
He said
Discreetly smiling

“We’ve been friends for that long?”
She said

Translation: You’ve been my ideal type for that long?

“And still counting.” He gazed into her eyes while questioning
Were they gracefully dancing or quietly shaking


source: pinterest.com
(The content of this post is taken from my personal diary. I just finished writing it and somehow managed to post it here.)

Di salah satu hari di Bulan September saya dilahirkan. Di hari itu di setiap tahunnya, saya membiasakan diri untuk menulis surat untuk september yang akan datang, membaca surat yang saya tulis di september tahun lalu, serta berkontempelasi mengenai hidup saya setahun terakhir. Tahun ini, karena kesibukan mempersiapkan ujian komprehensif, saya baru melakukan ketiga hal tersebut hari ini. Saya akan memulainya dengan membahas isi surat dari diri saya setahun yang lalu.


source: gxo4r801.adtddns.asia

(Sorry beforehand for it is a rather long story. Hehe.)

Tulisan ini akan menjelaskan babak akhir dari perjalanan skripsi saya. Setelah menyelesaikan seminar hasil, saya harus merevisi skripsi untuk mendapat acc ujian. Dari proses revisi ini saya belajar bahwa kita semua memiliki potensi yang belum kita maksimalkan. I couldn’t contain my thankfulness to the examiner, Mrs. Rindu Rika Gamayuni, for pointing out my thesis’s flaws. Kalau Beliau nggak pernah bilang skripsi saya seperti laporan PKL dan saya harus menambahkan analisis yang mendalam, saya mungkin masih terjebak di level saya yang sebelumnya. Oh ya, skripsi ber-acc ujian merupakan salah satu persyaratan pendaftaran ujian pendadaran dan ujian komprehensif. Berhubung syarat pendaftaran kedua ujian tersebut cukup banyak, saya jadi cukup mondar-mandir mengumpulkan syarat. Setelah semua terkumpul, babak ujian pun dimulai.


source: oogopdetoekomst.com
Setelah di tulisan sebelumnya diceritakan perjalanan saya sampai mendapat dosen pembimbing baru, akhirnya saya memulai bimbingan skripsi bersama kedua orang hebat yang mengiringi perjalanan saya itu. “Don’t give up” was the constant encouragement they said to me.

4. Menulis Proposal Skripsi.

Nah setelah mendapat dosen pembimbing baru saya akhirnya saya memulai menulis proposal skripsi. Sebelum bimbingan, tulisan saya harus melewati editing dari Aldo biar nggak malu-maluin Bahasa Inggrisnya. Nulis skripsi in english punya risiko bawaan berupa dikoreksi grammar-nya oleh dosen pembimbing dan saya cuma bisa sok tegar gitu padahal malu. Dan dampak positifnya saya jadi dipaksa belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih keras lagi. Saya jadi banyak baca referensi luar negeri biar tulisan saya nggak kaku. Saya nggak ragu sesekali baca ulang materi misal: passive voice, conjunction, dll. Saya juga install google translate di ponsel sebagai alat bantu kalau udah stuck banget. Pokoknya special thank to Merriam-Webster Dictionary dan Google Translate deh.


Alhamdulillah. Finally I finished my study safely (lol). The tough journey to obtain the “Bachelor of Economics” title has finally come to an end. So, I’ll share you the story behind my undergraduate thesis and what I learnt from it. I write this with no intention to show off my thesis or something similar to that. I just want to share the emotions, feelings, and encouragement for everyone who is writing a thesis or will write a thesis someday.
source: pixmix.it
Jadi, tahapan-tahapan yang saya lalui ketika menulis skripsi antara lain:


"You must be patient. Even if the pains of waiting and wishing and praying tire you, be patient. Even when long periods of time pass by and others are blessed with what they’ve been praying for while you still wait, be patient. For Allah does not waste the effort of the doers of good. He delays His response only to hear you call to Him more. Be patient. For what awaits you is sweeter than the bitterness of longing."(Unknown)


Jakarta, Indonesia