
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

About me


I'mNur Imroatun Sholihat

IT Auditor and Storyteller

So I heard you are curious about IT and/or auditing. I'm your go-to buddy in this exciting journey. My typical professional life consists of performing (and studying!) IT audit and managing the award-winning magazine, Auditoria. Armed with a Master's in Digital Transformation from UNSW Sydney, I'm currently wearing multiple hats—ambassador at IIA Indonesia's Young Leader Community, mentor at ISACA Global, Head of Public Relations at MoF-Cybersecurity Community, and trainer at IIA Indonesia. You'll also find me sharing insights on my YouTube channel, speaking at seminars, and crafting content on LinkedIn. Let's connect and dive into the world of IT and auditing together!


Bahasa Ibu

Ada kerinduan menulis dalam bahasa ibu, seperti kehendak menyimak sepasang bola hitam di wajahmu tatkala aku tenggelam dalam kerumunan bola biru dan abu-abu. Terdapat keinginan kembali menyusuri jalanan kota di mana kau berada--walau berdebu, walau kelabu. Aku tersenyum meski menghabiskan waktu mencuri pandang sedang jarak pandangmu ke arahku sesak oleh debu. Aku masih akan menatapmu seolah ikan yang kaujerat dengan bubu lalu kausimpan dalam kumbu. Apakah ini yang Sapardi sebut sebagai “Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu”?

Apa kabar, pria yang tersenyum bak sari tebu? Kalender menunjukkan hari Rabu di mana umumnya beban pekerjaan tengah sibuk-sibuknya menyerbu. Kuharap di hari seperti itu, hatimu masih sekokoh terumbu. Semoga di sana langitmu tak mengabu di tengah hentak lari di sekeliling nan menggebu. Kudoakan agar kegaduhan yang beriak dari klakson kendaraan di ibukota tidak mengusik sudut kalbu.

Apakah kau sudi mendengar kabarku, lelaki berpipi merah jambu? Hari-hariku menjemukan seperti masakan di kota ini yang miskin bumbu. Aku kemudian teringat bagaimana pagi harimu kerap diwarnai semangkuk lontong sayur labu. Kadangkala aku iri bagaimana matamu berbinar menceritakan makanan berkuah seharga lima ribu.

Kau pasti luput menyadari bahwa jiwa ini, terpaut benua denganmu, bak air di atas lumbu. Seperti sumbu yang berusaha ditegakkan dalam lampu minyak tetapi ia tetaplah sumbu. Maka aku menulis dengan bahasa ibu agar kerinduan memiliki keberanian berpindah kubu. Barangkali kau tidak sengaja membacanya lalu mengerti perasaan yang kubawa lelap di balik kelambu.

Sedari mula aku tahu bahwa berperang dengan perasaan tentangmu ibarat menghadapi pasukan bersenjata lengkap dengan hanya bermodal sebilah bambu. Hanya saja aku tetap menulis dengan bahasa ibu agar kau menyadari makna tatapan yang tersembunyi di balik debu.


image source: adriansart

(Belum lama ini, saya menjuri lomba cipta puisi Hakordia 2022 dan kala menyelami bait-bait indah, saya tersenyum sembari berujar, "bahasa Indonesia sungguh cantik". Maka saya pun rindu menulis dalam bahasa ibu, bahasa yang meski saya mencoba memasuki gelanggang bahasa mana pun, akan tetap menjadi bahasa paling cantik karena kekayaan kosakatanya. Raga saya dapat berada di benua mana pun, jiwa saya dapat mempelajari bahasa mana pun, tetapi bahasa ini akan selalu menjadi yang tercantik. Lalu, saya mempersonifikasikan bahasa ibu itu sebagai seseorang. Kerinduan akan sesuatu yang kita sangat familiar dengannya bukankah selalu terdengar dramatis?)

Pengalaman Mengikuti Ujian CRISC

image source: intellectualpoint.com

Halo semuanya. Saya berharap teman-teman semua sehat dan bahagia selalu ya. Dengan rendah hati saya sampaikan bahwa saya baru saja mendapatkan CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control). Saya berkomitmen untuk selalu menuliskan tips melewati setiap ujian sertifikasi yang saya ikuti sebagai ungkapan kesyukuran dan juga untuk membantu setiap kandidat ujian sertifikasi di luar sana. Jadi, inilah tips lulus ujian CRISC versi saya:


(P.S.: beberapa di antaranya mirip dengan tips untuk lulus ujian CISA dan tips ujian CGEIT yang diterbitkan sebelumnya karena saya yakin ketiganya memerlukan persiapan yang serupa)


1. Ujian sertifikasi memang selalu tampak luar biasa sulit, percaya dirilah

Saya mendaftarkan diri untuk ujian CRISC setahun yang lalu kemudian menunda-nunda ujiannya hingga tanggal terakhir yang diperbolehkan (1 tahun sejak pendaftaran disetujui). Saya terus menunda persiapan karena merasa ini akan menjadi proses yang luar biasa sulit (berbicara tentang menunda-nunda, saya adalah seorang ahli. hihi). Selain itu, saya tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri yang cukup untuk melaksanakan ujian segara. Bagaimana jika saya gagal? Saya tahu harga ujiannya tidak murah jadi saya meyakinkan diri untuk hanya mengambilnya ketika sudah sangat siap. Namun tebak apa hasilnya? Tiba-tiba saya tidak bisa menjadwalkan ulang tanggal ujian lagi karena ternyata telah menghabiskan hampir setahun menunda-nundanya. Hihi. Akhirnya, setelah penundaan yang panjang, saya hanya memiliki 4 hari persiapan! Saya panik tetapi tidak ada cara untuk memutar ulang waktu. Saya hanya bisa bergerak maju, siap atau tidak.


Jika saya dapat memberikan nasihat kepada diri saya kala itu, saya akan berkata: ujian sertifikasi selalu tampak luar biasa sulit. Percayalah pada diri sendiri dan sekarang mulailah belajar 😊


 2. Honorable mention: criscexamstudy.com

Tentu saja, persiapan 4 hari bukanlah praktik yang disarankan. Teman-teman harus belajar dari kesalahan pemalas satu ini yang hobi menunda segalanya sampai akhir. Dengan keterbatasan waktu, yang saya lakukan saat itu adalah mempelajari materi dari criscexamstudy.com (website ini sangat membantu). Silakan pelajari setiap materi (yang disajikan dengan rapi sebagai poin-poin kunci--menyenangkan bukan?) dan soal latihan yang mengikutinya. Saya juga mengidentifikasi gap pengetahuan saya dan menulis catatan yang berisi itu. Saya membaca catatan itu kembali kapan pun saya bisa. Saya mendapatkan pemahaman yang cukup komprehensif tentang poin-poin penting yang tercakup dalam ujian CRISC dalam 2 hari mempelajarinya melalui website ini.

3. Mengikuti pelatihan CRISC Review

Ketika saya menyebutkan 4 hari persiapan, yang saya maksud adalah belajar mandiri yang intensif sebelum ujian. Namun, persiapan sebenarnya tidak sesingkat itu. Sebelum mengikuti ujian CRISC, saya mengikuti pelatihan persiapan. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin memperkuat persiapannya dan memiliki kesempatan, harap pertimbangkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan CRISC review. Namun jangan khawatir jikapun teman-teman tidak bisa mengikuti pelatihan, kita masih bisa memiliki persiapan yang cukup.


 4. Peroleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman di Bidang Risiko dan Pengendalian TI

Memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman di bidang risiko dan pengendalian TI tentu sangat penting dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal ujian CRISC. Untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan, saran saya banyaklah membaca referensi terkait risiko dan pengendalian TI, mendiskusikannya dengan orang lain, atau bergabung dengan komunitas (atau apa pun. Pilih cara favorit teman-teman untuk menyerap pengetahuan). Sementara itu, menjawab beberapa pertanyaan ujian CRISC mengharuskan kandidat untuk tidak hanya dibekali dengan pengetahuan tetapi juga pengalaman sehingga paparan di kehidupan nyata pasti akan bermanfaat. Pengalaman membentuk logika, perspektif, dan kebijaksanaan yang akan memudahkan kita menemukan jawabannya.


Selain itu, menurut saya, penting untuk meningkatkan eksposur terhadap istilah TI dan bahasa Inggris (terutama ketika TI bukan bidang kita dan bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa pertama kita).  Familiarity with IT terms and English is advantageous!


5. Pelajari CRISC Review Manual dan CGEIT Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Manual (QAE)

Review Manual dan QAE adalah dua referensi sakral untuk semua orang yang ingin meraih sertifikasi ISACA. Luangkan waktu untuk membaca kedua buku ini dari awal sampai akhir terutama QAE karena memperkenalkan kita pada jenis pertanyaan yang akan kita hadapi. Pahami penjelasan dari jawaban-jawaban yang disarankan buku tersebut untuk mendapatkan logika, perspektif, dan kearifan yang ditetapkan ISACA. Oh ya, pastikan mempelajari versi terbaru dari buku-buku ini ya. Saat ini, CRISC Review Manual terbaru adalah edisi ke-7 dan QAE Review edisi ke-6.

6. Berlatih Melalui Mock Exams


Mengikuti mock exams sangat penting agar kita terbiasa duduk dan berpikir tanpa gangguan selama berjam-jam. Kerjakan pertanyaan sampai teman-teman mendapatkan setidaknya 80% jawaban benar. Saya sendiri mencoba menyelesaikan setiap mock exam dalam 2 jam untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir cepat dan menyelesaikan ujian di bawah tekanan.


7. Perhatikan Kondisi Fisik dan Mental Kita

Menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran untuk ujian sangat penting. Pastikan teman-teman tidur cukup agar keesokan paginya fit untuk mengerjakan 150 soal dalam 4 jam. Pastikan juga kita sarapan pagi, tiba di tempat ujian/membuka website ujian lebih awal, dan yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah mengelola kondisi emosi dan mental kita. Tenang. kita sudah cukup mempersiapkan diri dan siap menghadapi ujian ini.

8. Berdoa

Tips ini akan selalu saya ulangi di setiap post tips ujian karena memang sepenting itu. berdoalah agar kita diberi kemudahan dalam mengerjakan soal-soal. Berdoalah agar soal-soalnya berpihak dengan pengetahuan dan persiapan kita 😊


9.  Tips Lainnya

a. Baca silabus untuk memahami apa yang perlu dipahami dan porsinya masing-masing dibandingkan dengan keseluruhan materi ujian.

B. Menjadwalkan ujian dan menetapinya adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk mulai belajar. Jangan meniru saya yang terus-menerus menjadwalkan ulang ujian sehingga tidak lekas mulai belajar.

C. Pengetahuan yang kita peroleh dari pengalaman adalah sesuatu yang harus disikapi dengan bijak: terkadang membantu, terkadang tidak dalam ujian ini. Terdapat kemungkinan pengetahuan yang kita peroleh tidak sesuai dengan standar/kerangka kerja yang ditetapkan oleh ISACA. Oleh karena itu, kita harus mengidentifikasi keselarasan pengetahuan kita dengan body of knowledge ISACA.

10. Tips Selama Ujian

a. Jika teman-teman mengikuti ujian di pusat ujian (test center), perhatikan suhu ruang ujian. Apabila terlalu dingin untuk didiami selama 4 jam, kenakan jaket. Selain itu, duduklah senyaman mungkin. Empat jam bukanlah waktu yang singkat. 😊

B. Kerjakan dengan tenang. Kita memiliki waktu yang relatif lama untuk melakukannya. Jika kita tenang, kita akan lebih teliti. Pada ujian di mana ada banyak pertanyaan dan jawaban yang rumit (dan akurasi menjadi kuncinya), mengelola ketenangan adalah suatu keharusan.

C. Hati-hati dengan jawaban "hampir benar". Secara umum, pertanyaan CGEIT memberi kita 2 alternatif jawaban yang keduanya tampak benar. Hehe. Pastikan memilih yang benar, bukan yang terlihat benar.

D. Fokus pada pertanyaan yang mudah terlebih dahulu. Kita bisa melewati pertanyaan yang sulit/panjang (jangan lupa untuk menandainya). Nantinya kita bisa kembali kepada soal-soal yang kita lewati.

e. Durasi ujian memungkinkan kita untuk meninjau ulang jawaban. Tinjau jawaban seolah-olah kita mengerjakannya lagi dari awal. Jangan bosan dulu meski stamina dan konsentrasi sudah menurun. Ini saran pribadi saya: kecuali teman-teman begitu yakin dengan hasilnya, gunakan 4 jam sepenuhnya.

F. Jika teman-teman mengambil pilihan proctored exam (seperti yang saya ambil kali ini), peserta ujian memiliki waktu istirahat dua kali (masing-masing 10 menit). Istirahat ini juga diberikan jika teman-teman mengikuti tes di test center. Baca panduan ujian secara teliti untuk mengetahui hal yang boleh dan tidak boleh, seperti tidak boleh membaca soal dengan bersuara. Selain itu, mulailah membuka website ujiannya selambatnya 30 menit sebelum waktu ujian agar memiliki waktu menyelesaikan kendala apabila menemuinya.

G. Jangan lupa untuk mengisi kuesioner post-test.


Itulah tips yang bisa saya bagikan kepada teman-teman yang ingin mengikuti ujian CRISC. Semoga sukses teman-teman semuanya. Jika teman-teman memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya ya. Dengan senang hati saya usahakan untuk membantu. Semangat!


English version:  My CRISC Exam Experience

My CRISC Exam Experience

image source: intellectualpoint.com

Hello, everyone. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I’m humbled to share that I just officially got my CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control) designation. I’ve committed to always writing down the tips to pass every certification exam I take as my token of gratitude and also to help CRISC aspirants out there, here is my story on how I passed the exam:

(P.S.: some of them are similar to the tips to pass a CISA exam and tips to pass a CGEIT exam I posted previously as I believed they shared the similar kind of necessary preparations)


1.   It always seems overwhelming, have confidence in yourself

I registered myself for the exam a year ago to only took the exam on the last possible date (1 year since the registration got approved). I kept delaying the preparation by telling myself that it would be an overwhelming process (talking about procrastination, I am a virtuoso. LoL). Other than that, I didn’t have enough confidence to take it sooner. What if I failed? I know the exam price isn’t cheap so I convinced myself only to take it when I am highly ready. Guess what? Little did I know, I can’t reschedule my exam date anymore because turned out I have spent almost 365 days postponing it. Hihi. And eventually, after the long delay, I only have 4 days of preparation! I was left panicked but there was no turning back. I can only move forward, ready or not.


If I can give my younger self some advice, it would be: certification exams always seem overwhelming. Have confidence in yourself and now start studying 😊

 2.     Give it up for criscexamstudy.com

Of course, 4 days of preparation is not a recommended practice. You all should learn from this procrastinator’s mistake of putting everything until the very end. With the limited time, I learned the material from criscexamstudy.com (this website was significantly helpful). Everyone, please study each material (which is neatly presented as key points--don’t we love that?) and the subsequent practice questions. I also identified my knowledge gaps and wrote down a note containing them. I reread it again whenever I could. I get a fairly comprehensive understanding of the key points covered in the CRISC exam in 2 days of studying it. It is safe to say that this website deserved an honorable mention.  


3. Attend a CRISC review training

When I said 4 days of preparation, what I meant is the intense self-study before the exam. However, definitely, the actual preparation wasn’t that short. Before attempting the CRISC exam, I attended preparation training. For those who want to strengthen their preparation and have the opportunity, please consider attending a CRISC review training. But don’t worry even if you can't sit in on the training, you can still have sufficient preparation.

 4. Obtain (technical and managerial) knowledge and experience in the IT risk and control fields

Having technical and managerial knowledge of IT risk and control is certainly substantial in solving CRISC exam questions. Regarding acquiring the needed knowledge, my advice is to read lots of references related to IT risk and control, discuss them with others, or join a community (or anything. Pick your favorite way of absorbing knowledge). Meanwhile, answering some CRISC exam questions, requires the candidate to be equipped with not only knowledge but also experience so real-life exposure will surely be beneficial. Experience shapes our logic, perspective, and wisdom which will make it easier for us to figure out the answers.

Besides, in my opinion, it's important to increase your exposure to IT terms and English (especially when IT isn't your major and English is not your first language). Familiarity with IT terms and English is advantageous!


5. Learn the CRISC Review Manual and the CRISC Review Questions, Answers & Explanations Manual (QAE)

Believe me that these two books published by ISACA are the sacred reference for every CRISC candidate. Take the time to read both of them, especially the QAE. Understand the explanation of the answers suggested by the book to get the logic, perspective, and wisdom that ISACA sets out. Also, make sure to study the latest version of these books. For now, the latest Review Manual is the 7th edition, and the QAE Review 6th edition.

6.  Let's practice through the mock exams

Having a mock exam is essential so that we get used to sitting and thinking without interruption and distraction for hours. Work on the questions until you score at least 80% right answers. I tried to complete each mock exam in 2 hours to exercise my quick thinking and ability to finish the exam under pressure. 


7. Mind our physical and mental state

Maintaining health and fitness for an exam is vital. Make sure you get enough sleep so that the next morning we are fit to do 150 questions in 4 hours. Also make sure we take our breakfast, arrive at the test center or proctored exam website early, and last but not least manage our emotional and mental state. Be calm. You have prepared enough and are ready to face this test. 


8. Pray

I will always repeat this in every exam tips I write because it is that salient. Pray that we will be at ease in working on those questions. Pray that the questions will favor our knowledge and preparation.

9. Miscellaneous Tips

a. First things first, read the syllabus to understand what is covered and the portion of each domain compared to the whole exam material.

b. Scheduling the exam is one of the best ways to start studying and then stick with the date. Please don't follow my experience of rescheduling it until the very last time.

c. The knowledge we gained from experience is something to be treated wisely: sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. The knowledge that we have gained may not be in line with the standards/frameworks set by the ISACA, so we must identify the alignment of our knowledge with the ISACA's body of knowledge.

10.  Tips During the Exam:

a.  If you take the exam at the test center, pay attention to the temperature of the test room. If it is too cold to stay inside for 4 hours, wear a jacket. Also, sit as comfortable as possible. Four hours is not a short time, sweetie. 😊

b. Do it serenely. We have a relatively long time to do it. If we are calm, we’ll be more careful. On exams where there are many tricky questions and answers (and accuracy becomes the key), managing our tranquillity is a must.

c. Focus on the easy questions first. We can skip the difficult/long questions (don't forget to flag them). We can always come back to them later.

d. Be careful with the “almost correct” answers. In general, CRISC questions leave us with 2 alternative answers that both seem true. Hehe. Make sure you choose the right one, not one which looks like it.

e. The duration of the exam allows us to review the answers. Review the answers as if we do it again from the beginning. Don't get bored just yet even though your stamina and concentration have decreased. Use the 4 hours fully.

f. If you take the option of a proctored exam (like what I did this time), you have toilet breaks twice (10 minutes each). These breaks are also provided if you take the test in the test center. Read the exam guidance thoroughly to know the do and don’t, like we shouldn’t read the question aloud. I advise you to launch the exam 30 minutes before your exam time. That way, in case you face technical issues, you still have time to solve them.

g. Don't forget to fill out the post-test questionnaires.

Those are the tips I can share with everyone who wants to take the CRISC exam. Good luck, everyone. If you have anything to ask, feel free to reach out. It's my pleasure to help you. Cheers!


Indonesian version: Pengalaman Mengikuti Ujian CRISC

Thy Eyes, The World’s Autumns in Entirety

source: farmanddairy.com

Walked through the alley of deciduous trees

A soul's empty stare ahead froze my feet

That coppery gleam in thou--was it bonfire or fallen maple leaf

Someone’s gaze so dull yet blinding

Those sorrowful pools were an eternal maze

Thy eyes, the world’s autumns in entirety


Shall I look away from thy brown pearls

A pair of ice lumps

of an expressionless snowman

On this lengthen frosty night

But thy eyes, the crescendo wail I can’t escape from


Thou howled for help in silence

Immeasurable depth of misery I was scared of

As if a smile was once there then faded forever

The leaves fell as my heart fell

Was it me or was the season overdramatic?

'Tis I

Did all autumns act in theatrical?

Did I


Someone’s gaze so dim yet dazzling

A perpetual labyrinth I involuntarily stepped into

Might be I unreasonably longed for autumns

Thy eyes, the world’s autumns in entirety



1. Very much inspired by my sentimental melancholic-yet-consoling arrival in Australia when it was autumn. It was intriguing that something is both sad and comforting. I tried to personify that season into someone that has eyes containing the whole autumn seasons of the world. We can't help but fall for that season as if we fall for him. I also utilize autumn’s synonym “fall” to strengthen the emotions. Heavily influenced by Shakespeare’s Sonnet writing style and diction (did you notice the archaic words?) but of course, it was just my attempt. There is no way my writing could come close to Shakespeare’s quality.

2. I must say that I had so much fun writing this part:

"Was it me or was the season overdramatic?

'Tis I

Did all autumns act in theatrical?

Did I"

*'Tis: It is (archaic)

I wrote it on purpose as "did I" instead of "I did" to rhyme "'tis I" while at the same time making it sound like I questioned myself as well. It is I who is overdramatic. It is I who acted in theatrical. Don't blame the beautiful innocent autumn :)


image by rawpixel.com on Freepix

 "The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency." (Bill Gates)

(Hey, here I am with another (probably) hot take. You might think: doesn’t Nur Imroatun Sholihat advocate technology/automation implementation? Is she in her right mind when she said ‘don’t automate’? Please read till the end if you want, or at least the summary, okay? 😊)

Here’s the summary if you would prefer to not read the whole post: Use automation wisely, timely--be cognizant of what not to automate as much as what to automate, of when it is too early as much as it is too late.

     In my second term learning digital transformation at UNSW, I took a core course called Business Process Management (BPM). When I read the handbook, honestly, I was puzzled because a digital transformation should mostly be about digital, right? Why would the university’s School of Information Systems and Technology Management require the students to take such a course out of the blue?

      Now in week 8 of the course, I finally understood the reason why it’s made compulsory for the future digital transformation people. The realization still astonishes me today therefore I decided to write about it. Based on my newly-found understanding, at the heart of a digital transformation is the ‘transformation’, not the ‘digital’. The university wanted the students to, instead of jumping to automation directly, think more fundamentally when it comes to transforming the organization. The school taught the students to not consider automation as one solution for all. Automation is indeed one of the keys to the transformation door but let’s not be surprised that it isn’t the only one on the list (see the list below).

Redesign heuristics (Dumas et. al, 2018)

      Please don’t misunderstand me as I like automation as well (who wouldn’t though?). However, it concerned me that automation has grown as a solution that is easily misused. There is a common misperception that automation offers a magic mend to bad or broken processes. As much as I wanted it to be, let’s face it that it’s not Doraemon’s magic pocket (if it ever exists in real life) that solves all the problems instantly. It’s not a “plug-and-play” solution that could be straightforwardly implemented without careful adjustment and refinement.

      I know it’s uncomfortable to not directly think of automation when it’s already becoming one of the most-talked advancements organization could have. I also recognized how tempting shiny automation tools that promise exceptional optimization are. However, as I mentioned in my previous post, Luxury, “the ability to remain grounded amidst the sea of fancy buzzwords is a luxury. The ability to prioritize the fundamental things while having the serenity to not feel missed out is a luxury.”. Let’s have this uncomfortable discussion about the necessity and prioritization of automation.

      First, recognize that to fix a process to be in the best working order, automation isn't necessarily the most favorable answer. For example, does the process uniformly run or it has several unnecessary variations? If it has many variations, process standardization might provide more advantages than automation. Also, ask questions such as: is it better to be handled by machines or humans? Do the benefits of automation outweigh the costs? With our current capabilities and condition, when is the right time to automate? After that “pause and think” moment, we hopefully could gain a good working order, knowledge of which process to be automated, also investment and timing justifications.

     Second, as every organization operates with going concern assumption, act as a player in a long game. Not all automation initiatives should be implemented in a hurried manner--in other words: prioritize. Automation is known as resource-intensive activity therefore prioritization will help us to have steady measured steps. Identify business processes that present the quickest most meaningful wins and consider them as the earliest automation initiatives. The good news is: other initiatives can wait :)

     To conclude, implementing automation is definitely one big leap an organization could take. There is no doubt that a wise, timely implementation of the advancement will greatly benefit an organization. What it takes to get that wise, timely automation is a mindful slightly uncomfortable “pause and think” moment of what and when to automate. In most cases, what sets the successful automation implementation with the rest is that "pause and think" moment, which unfortunately seems unattractive in this fast-moving world.


Reference: Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., & Reijers, H. A. (2018). Fundamentals of business process management (2nd ed.). Springer Berlin.


1. What I enjoyed the most about studying master’s degree, besides meeting great minds, is how my knowledge is constantly challenged. When I'm proved wrong, I am happy knowing that through that process, I am a bit closer to knowing rightness. When I realize my knowledge is shallow, I enjoy deepening it through constant challenges. I think that’s the essence of a master’s degree: to make someone think a tad deeper and act a tad more purposefully. I am most grateful for those things.

2. Credit to my lecturers, George Joukhadar and Frieda Maher, who inspired me to think about automation deeper. Forever, it changed the way I think about automation.

3. After a long thought about this blog’s direction, finally I come up with #sensibletech, a section I dedicate to address my concerns regarding the thoughtful utilization of technology. Please look forward to more #sensibletech posts I will deliver in the future :)


Jakarta, Indonesia