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Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

13 May 2016


  • May 13, 2016
  • by Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Beautiful patience =  be in a state of happiness and pleasure while being patient over a situation


Al Quran has the most beautiful verses—we, Muslims, have no doubt about it. Even the best poet can’t write anything close to the holy Al Quran given to the noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Found so many verses that touched my heart, that I decided to share my favorite verses on this #FROMALQURAN column. For the very first, I’ll write a verse I’m really fond of. It comes from surah Al-Ma’arij, about a word mentioned a lot in Al Quran: patience.

Patience may appear straightforward, yet it often proves to be the most challenging quality to master. Do we truly have the capacity to endure with tranquility? Are we capable of embracing whatever destiny unfolds before us? Moreover, can we maintain a sense of gratitude amidst our patience? Is it feasible for us to accept all circumstances without whining or complaining?


 I don’t know whether life became harder than before or what but somehow I feel suffocated these days. And here’s the medicine whenever something sad or bad happens to me. I usually tell myself “Be patient, Im.”. I become composed and calm when I recall this simple saying. Patience is a virtue, a proverb said. But what made me fall even more to patience was when I remembered that Allah consoled His best mankind, Prophet Muhammad with this verse:


So be patient with a beautiful patience” (Al Quran 70:5)


 My heart trembles so hard each time I read this verse. Allah The Almighty can do anything to the people with a hostile attitude towards Prophet Muhammad but Allah asked him to be patient instead. In many verses, Allah advised Prophet Muhammad to keep his patience despite the difficulties he had. Sometimes the messenger of Allah feeling depressed about people went against him but Allah asked him to be patient once more. The unbelievers asked where is the promise that Allah would torture them but Allah told Prophet Muhammad to calmly wait. “Tell them, Muhammad, in the times they couldn’t afford to wait: Just wait because I am waiting too”, Many verses sound this way. He faced the deniers and unbelievers with his gentle heart. Subhanallah.


The willingness to accept and the ability to wait are excellent qualities yet rare because they require a big heart and wisdom. But don’t forget the prize of patience is Allah’s companionship. Indeed Allah is with the patient. Never forget that patience only brings good things. Never lose hope. For the worse or better, Allah is always there to help us. Leave no worry. Allah is The All-Hearing and The Perfectly Wise. Keep on praying and believing. Be patient with the answer Allah gives to us—it’s always the best InsyaAllah. 


So, don't be lost to any problems and troubles. Let's endure anything patiently with beautiful patience. Let’s stay happy while being patient. Allah is The Most Forbearing, Prophet Muhammad is full of forbearance, and wish we become the forbearing ones too. May us belong to the patient. O Ya Allah, I pray You to give us beautiful patience.

image source: pinterest.com


  1. Ameen, indeed you wrote very well. May Allah give us power to be patient.
    ﺍِﻧَّﺎﺍﻟﻠﮧَ ﻣَﻊَ ﺍﻟﺼَّﺎﺑِﺮِﯾﻦَ

    1. Hello my pakistani/arabic (IDK which one I should address you by, your hometown or your work place) friend :)
      Many thanks for your visit :)
      May Allah gives us the beautiful patience...



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