
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

About me


I'mNur Imroatun Sholihat

IT Auditor and Storyteller

So I heard you are curious about IT and/or auditing. I'm your go-to buddy in this exciting journey. My typical professional life consists of performing (and studying!) IT audit and managing the award-winning magazine, Auditoria. Armed with a Master of Commerce in Digital Transformation from UNSW Sydney, I'm currently wearing multiple hats—ambassador at IIA Indonesia's Young Leader Community, mentor at ISACA Global, Head of Public Relations at MoF-Cybersecurity Community, and trainer at IIA Indonesia. You'll also find me sharing insights on my YouTube channel, speaking at seminars, and crafting content on LinkedIn. Let's connect and dive into the world of IT and auditing together!


Why Didn't I Defend Myself

My phone rang at late night when I almost went to bed. A close friend’s name appeared on the screen. When I picked up the call, I noticed how cautious and stammered she was with her words, contrasted with how cheerful she was whenever we talked. Therefore, I prepared myself for the bad news. There must be something unpleasing she wanted to deliver to me.

“Is there something you might find it difficult to tell me?” after quite a chit-chat, I braced myself to find out the reason for the sudden late at-night, unplanned conversation.

“After I tell you, I hope you don’t feel sad. Just ignore it. I just wanted you to know so you are better informed when you need to make a decision.” Her cautiousness was still there.

She heard my quiet affirmation, then proceed,

“So today a friend just asked me about you because she knew we’re close friends. She forwarded a question she had received from another person about you. That friend said that she was asked about whether you are such a woman….. the type of woman who will snatch somebody’s husband." she paused, "I thought after a year ago his wife harshly accused you and you backed down although you were innocent, everything was finished. Turned out it is still an issue till today and even involved more people.” I can hear her voice shaking, “It hurts me to see you receive such cruelty and you kept quiet. It pains me a lot to witness someone with good intentions like you be treated horribly like this. You should defend yourself and fight back.” This time I found a burning anger in her tone.

There was silence as we both wandered around our minds, trying to understand the situation better. My mind recalled a painful memory of me quietly struggling to face a harrowing accusation from a colleague’s wife. Isn't it funny that this time the accusation was made when I am more than three thousand miles away from my home country and no single communication was made with the man in question? 

I inhaled a deep breath. In this world, there are occasions when you know you are right and you don’t feel like explaining. Also, I am the type of person who tried my best to protect other people’s hearts. As much as I can, I don’t want other people to experience pain. However, after a year battled with how deeply I felt wronged, the false claim didn’t stop. I can feel my hands tremble as this unfair blame even recently made me want to visit a psychologist. I was still intensely wounded by what happened a year ago and hearing that his party escalated this issue, even after such a calm response from me when I totally deserved to be angry, got me teary. However, collecting my composure, I answered,

“I swear by the name of Allah, I never had any intention but communicating about the businesses I found necessary. It also hurts me that this is the payback I got from someone for whom my hard work contributed to his name. You know who got the credit for the work I did,” As if resonated with the pain in my heart, I found my voice trembling.

I hardly swear in the name of Allah because I know how significant a thing is if I decided to do it but this time I swore that I never ever had any hidden intention when I texted him but for the matters I found appropriate. And even after the heartless words I received from his wife and he decided not to step up to clear the air (which means he deliberately slaughtered me), I decided to resign from the organization where we worked together. I gave up on a cause I truly care about just because I needed to cut all the ties and walk away. I sacrificed myself because I wanted to protect other people’s hearts and now this is what I got, even after a year of not communicating at all. (In the end, my resignation wasn’t approved but we never ever communicated again so what’s behind the second round of accusations I received this time?).

“But you know, this allegation might damage your reputation. Some people might hear this but never get a chance to clarify it to you or the people around you.” She was back at urged me to speak up.

“I know where your suggestion came from. I am afraid too that people might give me the wrongful tag. Don’t worry. Allah knows. I know you might find my silence annoyed you. However, let’s face this calmly. While indeed I had many shortcomings and mistakes, I know in this case I am in the right position and Allah knows and that’s enough. May Allah elevate my status due to my patience and silence,” I commented, “Remember that you faced things calmly back then even when you were in despair from the accusation someone threw at you? I grew up watching people around me--my family members, my friends, my co-workers being patient--so this is my turn to be patient too,” When I said those words, I realized how strenuous patience is. Tears fell down.

So why didn’t I defend myself? Of course, when the accusation was first made, I felt a range of emotions--anger, frustration, hurt, and confusion. Not to mention how hurtful it is the second time you heard it from the same person. It is definitely tempting to immediately defend myself and try to prove my innocence but I believed that accusations do not necessarily equal guilt. I stayed silent and was patient because I had nothing to hide. I also believed that time would reveal the truth. I knew that if I were innocent, the facts would speak for themselves, and by remaining silent, I was allowing the truth to come to light. It is definitely not an easy decision. It required a lot of self-control and a lot of trust in the process. However, I know that as long as I did nothing wrong, no matter what accusation was being pointed at me, I still have confidence in myself.

It took me a lot of courage to write this since the memory itself gave me enormous trauma. Even typing this post created pools of tears in my eyes. I eventually decided to write this down because, after a year of acceptance, the issue got escalated by that party. I need to write this to help me to heal from the pain I haven’t even healed yet and now is being worsened.

My friends said he owe me a massive apology but I don’t wait for an apology anymore. I want to find a massive courage to forgive anyone that hurt me instead. I want to find inner peace without depending on anyone.

After all, I know Allah knows. For me, it is enough. It is always enough.


Image by: Thanh Nguyen via Pixabay

Dear Cheng Xiao of Flight to You (Part 2)

(Alert: contained spoilers of “Flight to You”.)

Heyyy, I am back. You should be glad that this “you’ll hear from me again when I am in the mood of writing” blogger was on fire, coming back only 2 days after posting something. Hihi. I swear, at first I didn’t have any intention to make the sequel to my previous post. I was quite satisfied that it contained my major thoughts about the drama I am currently having withdrawal syndrome over. However, after finishing the last episode, I couldn’t help wanting to write the second part of my thoughts regarding Cheng Xiao of “Flight to You”. No, I wouldn’t talk about the romance side, as the drama itself didn't put the romance in the center, even though I will still mention her love interest, Gu Nanting. Through this post, I would love to give the spotlight on her journey and struggle as a female pilot.

As a woman who is also navigating a male-dominated field, I think the attachment I have for Cheng went stronger as the story progressed. She faced doubt and underestimation from the senior pilots, was persuaded to quit by her instructor (who was Gu Nanting himself -__-), received sexist hatred from an influential pilot, needed to start over, was transferred to the ground handling department, was treated roughly by some passengers, was slandered, even faced a legal issue: she basically was in a hamster wheel of misfortunes. Of course, I didn’t even feel 1% of her struggle intensity however it still resonated well with me.

Contrary to giving up, she bravely faced everything because she believed flying is her life. She fought back the pointing fingers because she knew it is a dream she put her soul into. I found myself admiring her for fighting for the things that matter to her. So, when the last three episodes showed that the table was turned, I can’t help feeling what she felt as if she shared it with me. Unknowingly I smiled proudly at the scene where she pulled her suitcase to the plane with four bars in her suit (four bars epaulet/suit stripes indicate someone is a captain). On top of that, someone who initially she addressed as “the biggest enemy” because he had discouraged her from becoming a passenger pilot became the one who promoted her and called her “Captain Cheng” for the first time. Such a dramatic, well-executed emotional scene that made me once again say, “Cheng Xiao, you’re awesome.”

However, the utmost goosebumps I got from the drama was when the company assigned her as the captain for the maiden flight of the first Chinese-made aircraft--a historical moment in Chinese aviation. Initially, Gu Nanting was prepared to take the driving seat but he suffered a vision problem so he passed it on to Cheng Xiao, his chosen-over-selection co-pilot. Cheng Xiao immediately rejected the idea of taking over his position and instead wanted to accompany him doing the eye operation. However, he convinced her by saying:

Domestic planes are what generations of Chinese aviation professionals have hoped for. They have devoted their whole lives to this one thing. All their efforts on those 80 tons of metal. At first, I thought I could turn this blueprint into reality as soon as possible. But I don’t have the chance anymore. So, I’m passing it on to you. You are doing this not only for me, for Luzhou Airlines, but also to fulfill the wishes of several generations of Chinese aviation professionals,”

Cheng Xiao was teary hearing such encouragement from Gu Nanting who hoped that she could be strong in shouldering the huge responsibility. Both Tan Songyun and Wang Kai executed that scene greatly as we can see how Cheng Xiao, no matter how tough she looked was still a woman who had doubt and fear while Gu Nanting, no matter how fearful he was of the situation tried to always be her rock. Those words were beautifully said but what made me lost it was when he, a prideful man himself, concluded his heartfelt message by uttering:

Cheng Xiao, you have always been my pride. Promise me. Fly well tomorrow.

Guess who was crying? I was not *grabbed my tissue. The reversal from hearing “Don't be proud of yourself” when she showed Gu Nanting her rapid learning progress to “You have always been my pride” when she became the captain of a historical high altitude journey caught me off guard. As if I copied Gu Nanting’s feelings, I can feel how proud I was of her as well. After going through an emotional rollercoaster with her during the show, I can say: Gu Nanting, she is also my pride.

Several hours after I finished the drama, those words still lingered in my mind. You have always been my pride. How beautiful it is to hear someone direct that confession to us. It holds a deeper meaning compared to “I am proud of you”. It is someone acknowledging you as their source of any great feelings. It is someone recognizing you as their hope and wish.

Looking up at the blue sky from my window, I found myself praying that someday I can hear someone says: “iim, you have always been my pride” or something similar to it. Until then, I will work my hardest to be someone who can make myself proud. Until later, I will continuously improve myself to be my better version. I will definitely give my all to be someone who deserves that confession. When the time comes, will you say that I am your pride?

Dear Cheng Xiao, I hope I can be a brave and strong-willed woman like you. On top of that, if Allah permits, I wish that I can hear a similar declaration you heard from Gu Nanting be expressed to me. Even if eventually I couldn’t hear it from someone, I would still wish it as if one day it will come true. I will pray often. I will also work my hardest.


All photos belong to iQIYI. All right reserved.



1. A special mention: Ni Zhan's quote cheering up Cheng Xiao who was demoted to the ground handling department: "I used to think that life is unfair. All roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome.". I am glad that this story had such a beautiful soul who was there for Cheng in her ups and downs.

2. Now after finishing the entire episodes and taking time to process the story, I can eventually understand why my heart, just like Cheng Xiao's,  was attached to Gu Nanting. I tried to be rational and said that I would choose Ni Zhan but then I remember my own words to a close friend, "You know, even if I haven't loved someone, probably would accept him if I admire and respect him,". Cheng Xiao's feelings stemmed from the admiration and respect she had for Gu Nanting. I must say that a man we respect and admire is totally in a different league. Also, what a relationship goal it is to be each other's pride.

3. Shout out to Liu Yuning who lent his voice to this drama's soundtrack "Gravity". I knew he is the singer behind many dramas that I like but this time, I fell for his voice even more. (please turn the CC on to see the subtitles.)



Dear Cheng Xiao of Flight to You

(Alert: contained spoilers of “Flight to You”.)

If you’ve read my Certified in Cybersecurity Exam Experience post, you might've noticed that during the study sessions, I watched a Chinese drama in between. So what kind of drama had made me couldn’t wait until I took the exam to watch? *insert dramatic drumroll *hihi. I shall blame iQIYI for dropping an enticing summary of a drama with a poster of Wang Kai in pilot uniforms! (the caption: “Nick Wang (Wang Kai’s international name), please always wear your uniform”. YES please!).

Previously watched a drama where he transformed into a stern team leader of the Violent Crime Unit, I can totally portray him being a strict flight instructor. In my biased opinion (yes, here I am unapologetically biased), I couldn’t imagine any Chinese actor can exceed his performance in portraying a calm and charismatic super-strict-almost-annoying yet soft-hearted man. He is built for this kind of role. Also, his beautiful translation of “how a man’s icy heart gradually melts” was just mesmerizing. In addition, the talented Tan Songyun will showcase how a female pilot navigates the male-dominated profession. Those two actors are synonymous with good dramas so there I was couldn’t put my priority right. Argh, I just studied then watched it then studied for a bit then watched it again as if I was so ready to risk the exam *can you hear my dumb sobs?

I love her character. Cheng Xiao, you are awesome!

Now, I am gonna talk about the drama because so many thoughts flooded me while watching it. “Flight to You”( 风而行) revolved around the lives of the flight crew of Luzhou Airlines, largely inspired by 12 real-life aviation cases. Cheng Xiao (Tan Songyun), a pilot in the cargo flight department had to move to the passenger flight department due to the company's restructuring. After 8 good years of serving, becoming a captain should be just a matter of time for her until Gu Nanting (Wang Kai), the Deputy Director of the Passenger Flight Department became her direct supervisor and instructor. He mentioned several times that what she lacked as a passenger pilot couldn’t be overcome by hard work and she should just quit (even wrote a resignation letter on behalf of her. LoL). As if her journey as a woman in the piloting field wasn’t nerve-racking enough, she had to go through a hamster wheel of mistreatments from several parties including the devil instructor.

(Before moving forward with the romance side of the drama, I would like to applaud the show for spotlighting the obstacles that women go through in the workplace. For example, there were episodes where she was involved in a rumor and it did bigger damage to her compared to her male counterparts. The fact that a woman can be talented, hardworking, and have credentials yet be easily knocked down by a false accusation while the men involved weren’t affected as much showed the double standard society has against women).

Let's go back to the track of romance. As someone who closely saw her determination and persistence, eventually, Gu Nanting's opinions about her slowly shifted. We can find him in the later part of the drama defending, supporting, and protecting her behind her back. Therefore, it was understandable that Cheng Xiao developed a special feeling for him as he was there assisting her growth. A straightforward and fearless woman she was, she openly admitted her secret to him--in hope that the feeling would reciprocate. She pursued him with the attitude of “even if I have to take 99 steps to close the 100 steps between us, it doesn’t matter as long as he is the one taking the final step”.

The problem is, it became frustrating that she already threw herself at him yet he was battling with his own demons: denials (for 34 episodes like seriously the man being a turtle in front of his feeling), avoidances, trauma, “you’re just a student to me” (a.k.a the C-drama's most heartbreaking statement of early 2023) reason, “not with you, not without you” attitude, and “one hand holding the past, one hand holding her” manner. He did everything but be honest with his feeling. Yet at the same time, he’d drop everything just for her, in rescue mode whenever she was in danger, and was the most panicked one when it comes to her. Imagine the confusion you get from a man whose acts and words were perfect contradictions. Should you give up? What if his actions were truer than his words? Should you stay? But isn’t it disheartening to see him keep pushing you away?

Should be an interesting watch, the drama became draggy and plain infuriating because of several things including his inability to have an honest conversation with himself. I skipped the middle part of it to the part where Gu Nanting started to realize that he was wrong in putting the walls against Cheng Xiao. I'll be honest: I must say Gu Nanting is one gorgeous man I can’t deny. He is ridiculously attractive and his soft calming smile cured the hard days of a stressful job. On top of that, his actions signaled that he saw her as more than just a colleague, so as a woman who has initially developed a special liking toward him, it’s hard for Cheng Xiao to ignore and get past her feeling.

Ni Zhan, a man you are.
However, there was a point where I, as a viewer, stopped wishing her to be with him. if I were Cheng Xiao, I would just give up on Gu Nanting when he decided to coldly reject me many times yet continued to play with my heart. I would not go after him after a series of hot and cold immature treatments and multiple avoidances from him. If he needed me and everyone else around him to take that much effort to make him realize his true feeling, I don’t want it. Nobody crushed yourself way too harshly like that deserving your heart. No man, no matter how gorgeous he is, is allowed to make you feel humiliated and rejected for a long time only to finally realize he was wrong. Please, he’s not the only man in the world. Instead, I would just settle with Ni Zhan who was brave enough to pursue and escort me (considering that Ni Zhan isn't even among my favorite second male leads yet I would prefer him over Gu Nanting showed how flawed Nanting's attitude toward love is). I mean, if two men with relatively equal qualities come to me, I would just go with which one feels easy for my heart--the one wouldn’t put me in pain, wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t deny, wouldn’t torture. 

Dear iQIYI, shouldn't you also say: "Liu Chang, please always wear your uniform"? :)

I know the writer tried to convince the viewers that Gu Nanting is worth all the pain but still for me, Ni Zhan is the man. I’m sold at how he was selflessly there for Cheng Xiao, helped her, cheered upon her, treasured her, and thoroughly thought about her happiness above anything. Ni Zhan simply won my heart with his firm decision and sure steps toward Cheng Xiao. But then I realized that choice stemmed from my cowardice while in reality, my heart would probably belong to Gu Nanting for all my life. 

So under what circumstance can someone be trapped in the middle of this beautiful friendship? *cough *only Cheng Xiao's circumstance

As I progressed towards the end of the drama, I can sense my heart little by little changed as Gu Nanting became more humane. On top of that, I must admit that Nanting's small detail of softness all over the episode is what makes him worth the long wait. I am also glad that the writer gave him chance to redeem himself which made the decision to choose him well-justified. Then I understood that maybe if I was Cheng Xiao, I wouldn’t be able to turn my head away from him as well. In this world, there is a magical feeling which makes someone’s smile greatly powerful for us. Perhaps if I was Cheng Xiao, I don’t care how long shall I wait or whether I would end up with him or not, but seeing him standing there, all the hardships the world throws at me would be less excruciating. Maybe if someone like Gu Nanting himself appears in my life, I would do exactly the same. I would also work my best to be the woman he’d run to every day.  

Therefore, who I am to give her advice? Because when the heart says seeing someone even from faraway calms the stormy day, then perhaps it's enough. :)


When Cheng Xiao finally got promoted and Gu Nanting said, “Captain Cheng, please have a safe flight”, I smiled widely. Some people just couldn’t express their thoughts well. For them, “I hope you’re okay” translates as “You mean the world to me”. 


All photos belong to iQIYI. All right reserved.

Pengalaman Mengikuti Ujian Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

Halo, teman-teman. Bagaimana kabarnya? Saya berharap teman-teman memulai tahun 2023 dengan baik. Oh ya, pernahkah teman-teman mendengar bahwa (ISC)2 memberikan pelatihan dan ujian keamanan siber (cybersecurity) gratis untuk 1 juta orang? Jika belum, silakan kunjungi: One Million FREE (ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity Courses and Exams

Saya baru-baru ini mendapat kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan ujiannya dan setelah mengalaminya secara langsung, saya ingin mendorong teman-teman untuk mengambilnya. Saya tahu teman-teman mungkin atau mungkin tidak melihat diri kalian di salah satu bidang yang paling banyak dibicarakan di bidang TI itu. Namun, terlepas teman-teman ingin berkarier di bidang keamanan siber atau tidak, saya sarankan untuk mempelajarinya (terutama jika ia datang tanpa label harga) karena melindungi informasi adalah bagian penting dari kehidupan kita di era digital. Mempelajari dasar-dasarnya tidak akan merugikan dan saya yakin kita akan berterima kasih kepada diri sendiri nanti karena memilih untuk melakukannya. Oke--cukup bagi saya mempromosikan keamanan siber atau saya bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam membicarakannya--maafkan saya, saya tidak dapat menahannya. Sekarang mari kita langsung ke intinya. Hihi. Saya membagi cerita ini menjadi tiga bagian: sebelum, selama, dan setelah ujian.


Sebelum Ujian

Setelah mendengar tentang pelatihan online dan ujian gratis itu, saya langsung membuka situs web (ISC)2 untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut tentangnya. Setelah membaca semua informasi yang diberikan, saya memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Saya membuat akun dan mengisi formulir aplikasi kandidat (ISC)2 dengan  certified in cybersecurity sebagai sertifikasi pilihan saya. Tak lama setelah itu, saya mendapatkan akses ke pelatihan dan pendaftaran ujian. Saya memilih test center di dekat UNSW karena saya cukup familiar dengan lokasinya dan untuk waktunya, saya memilih setelah tahun baru karena saya ingin istirahat penuh selama liburan akhir tahun.

Ketika hampir menyelesaikan pelatihan, saya penasaran dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain tentang ujian tersebut. Apakah itu sulit? Apakah materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan sudah cukup? Saya beruntung karena mencoba mencari informasi lebih lanjut atau saya akan berpikir bahwa persiapan sederhana saja sudah cukup. Kecuali teman-teman memiliki pengalaman yang cukup intensif di bidang itu, silakan untuk mempelajari lebih dari materi pelatihan yang disediakan. Berdasar pengalaman, saya membaca Eleventh Hour CISSP®: Study Guide (Conrad dkk, 2016--saya menemukan bahwa ada edisi yang lebih baru tetapi karena saya hanya memiliki versi ini, saya menggunakannya). Secara total, persiapan saya memakan waktu 5 hari selama libur universitas ketika saya tidak memiliki agenda lain selain belajar (tapi tentu saja, saya tidak belajar selama 10 jam sehari--saya menonton drama Cina dan melakukan hal-hal lain di sela-selanya).

Di hari terakhir persiapan, saya memastikan bahwa saya memahami semua yang perlu diketahui (termasuk membawa 2 kartu identitas dan cara menuju tempat ujian) lalu tidur lebih awal.


Selama Ujian

saya tiba di tempat ujian sangat awal (saya menyukai cara ini untuk setiap ujian yang saya ikuti) kemudian mengabari administrator ujian bahwa saya ingin mengikuti ujian. Beliau meminta kartu identitas, men-scan telapak tangan, dan mengambil foto saya. Beliau kemudian menunjukkan saya ruang tunggu dan mengatakan bahwa saya dapat mengikuti ujian ketika saya siap. Setelah membaca cepat ringkasan tentang hal-hal yang menurut saya penting (seperti port numbers sebab selama saya bekerja sebagai auditor TI, saya tidak menghafal semuanya), saya memasuki ruang ujian dan menghadapi 100 pertanyaan.

Jika teman-teman pernah membaca tulisan pengalaman ujian saya sebelumnya, teman-teman akan menyadari bahwa saya adalah penggemar gaya mengerjakan ujian do-it-quickly-then-review-it. Namun, ternyata untuk ujian kali ini, hal tersebut tidak berlaku. Saya keras kepala bahkan setelah melihat ketiadaan tombol "kembali" (back) di halaman ujian untuk menuju ke pertanyaan sebelumnya. Saya terus mengerjakan dengan cepat sambil berpikir mungkin ada opsi "tinjau semua" (review all) setelah saya menyelesaikan semua pertanyaan. Di luar dugaan, setelah saya menyelesaikan soal ke-100,, satu-satunya tombol yang tersisa adalah “akhiri ujian” (end exam). Haha. Saya diam-diam tertawa panik karena bagaimana mungkin saya bisa begitu keras kepala dengan mengabaikan kecurigaan bahwa saya tidak akan bisa meninjau jawabannya. Saya menyelesaikan ujian dalam waktu 64 menit dari 120 menit yang disediakan karena sikap keras kepala saya terhadap pertanda yang ada. Ketika teman-teman mengikuti ujian nanti, tolong belajar dari kesalahan saya dan gunakan waktu dengan bijak.

Saya meninggalkan ruang ujian mendengar administrator ujian bertanya tentang pengalaman ujian saya. Saya menyampaikan ketidaktahuan bahwa ujian ini tidak mengizinkan saya meninjau jawaban. Beliau menuturkan bahwa lazimnya ujian memiliki fitur itu, mencoba menghibur saya. Saya pikir saya gagal sehingga tidak memiliki keberanian untuk bertanya tentang hasil ujian. Meskipun ujiannya gratis, setelah semua upaya yang saya lakukan selama liburan musim panas ketika mahasiswa umumnya sama sekali tidak belajar, saya merasa sedikit kecewa.

"Tidak apa. Saya mendapat pelajaran bahwa saya tidak boleh memperlakukan semuan hal hanya berdasarkan pengalaman saya. Setiap situasi bisa berbeda.” Saya tersenyum padanya setelah mendapatkan kembali ketenangan batin.

"Tapi kamu lulus," Beliau menyodorkan secarik kertas. Itu adalah hasil ujian sementara dengan kata pembuka 'congratulations'.

"Serius?" Saya tidak bisa menyembunyikan ekspresi kaget.

"Ya. Selamat,” Beliau melempar senyum meyakinkan seolah-olah dia tahu saya tidak akan mempercayai kertas itu bahkan ketika saya membacanya sendiri.

"Terima kasih banyak. Saya sangat menghargai bantuan Bapak hari ini,” saya membalas senyumnya.

Wajah bingung itu secara kebetulan mencerminkan ekspresi saya saat menerima kertas ini :)

Setelah Ujian

Sehari setelah ujian, saya menerima email yang menyatakan bahwa saya secara resmi lulus ujian. Langkah selanjutnya adalah melengkapi aplikasi online, yang harus dilakukan kandidat dalam waktu sembilan bulan sejak tanggal ujian. Dalam waktu 24 jam setelah aplikasi selesai, kandidat dapat melakukan langkah terakhir dalam prosesnya yaitu membayar Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF). Setelah pembayaran AMF dilakukan, kandidat akan mendapatkan sertifikasi.

Teman-teman mungkin bertanya, “jadi sebenarnya tidak gratis ya?”. Jawabannya: gratis jika yang teman-teman inginkan adalah pengetahuan yang diberikan dalam pelatihan dan ujian. Adalah sepenuhnya keputusan teman-teman apakah ingin mendapatkan sertifikasi atau tidak. Dalam kasus saya, sebagai hadiah kecil untuk diri saya sendiri, saya bersedia membayar $50 untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi ini. Namun, adalah sepenuhnya pilihan teman-teman untuk membayarnya atau tidak, jadi jangan khawatir. Mendapat ilmu dan pengalaman ujian saja sebenarnya sangat berharga meski tanpa sertifikasi.


Saya ingin menutup post ini dengan membagikan beberapa tips berdasarkan pengalaman saya. Pertama dan terpenting, pahami mengapa teman-teman membutuhkannya. Hanya ketika mengetahui alasannya, kita akan memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk menjalani perjalanan tersebut. Kemudian, pastikan untuk menyisihkan waktu yang cukup untuk belajar. Tip penting lainnya adalah memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang tersedia. Jangan takut untuk meminta bantuan jika teman-teman kesulitan dan bertanyalah kepada seseorang saat teman-teman ragu. Pastikan untuk istirahat yang cukup dan menjaga kesehatan di hari-hari menjelang ujian. Pikiran yang jernih dan tubuh yang sehat akan membantu teman-teman melakukan yang terbaik pada hari ujian. Terakhir, karena teman-teman tidak dapat kembali ke pertanyaan sebelumnya, luangkan waktu untuk benar-benar memahami pertanyaan dan jawabannya.

Oke. Sebelum post ini terlalu panjang, saya akan mengakhirinya di sini. Saya akan senang menjawab pertanyaan teman-teman dan jika teman-teman memerlukan bantuan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya. Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk teman-teman semua.


English Version: My Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) Exam Experience



My Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) Exam Experience

Hello, friends. How have you been? I wish you all a great start to 2023. Anyway, have you by any chance heard that (ISC)2 provided free cybersecurity training and exam for 1 million people? If you haven’t then please check it out: One Million FREE (ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity Courses and Exams

I recently had the opportunity to take the training and exam and after experiencing it first-hand, I encourage you to do so. I know you may or may not see yourself in that one of the most talked-about fields in IT. However, whether you want to have a career in cybersecurity or not, I suggest that you learn it (especially when it comes with no price tag) since protecting information is a significant part of our life in the digital era. Learning the fundamental of it wouldn’t hurt you and I believe that you’ll thank yourself later for doing that. Okay--enough for me promoting cybersecurity or I could spend hours talking about it--pardon me I can’t help it. Now let’s get to the point. Hihi. I divided the story into three parts: before, during, and after the exam.

Before the Exam

After I heard about the free online self-paced training and exam, I directly visited the website to get more information about it. After going through all the provided information, I decided to give it a go. I created an account and then completed the (ISC)2 candidate application form with certified in cybersecurity as my certification of interest. Shortly after that, I gained access to the training and exam registration. I picked the test center near UNSW as I am quite familiar with the location and for the date, I choose to have it after the new year since I wanted to have a full break during the year-end holiday.

When I almost finished the training, I was curious about what other people said regarding the exam. Was it difficult? Were the materials provided in the training enough? I was lucky that I tried to find the information or I would think that my simple preparation was enough. Unless you have quite intensive experience in the field, please go beyond the training materials. In my case, I read the Eleventh Hour CISSP®: Study Guide (Conrad et al, 2016--I found out that there is a newer edition of it but since I only had the third version, I used it). In total, the preparation took me 5 days during my university term break when I have no other agenda but studying (but of course, I didn’t study for 10 hours a day--I watched Chinese drama and did random things in between).

On the last day of preparation, I ensured that I understood everything I need to know (including bringing 2 personal IDs and how to get to the test center) then sleep early.

During the Exam

I arrived at the test center very early (I liked it this way for every exam I took) and then told the test administrator (TA) that I wanted to take an exam. He asked for my ID, had me submit my palm vein scan, and took my exam candidate's photo. He then guided me to the waiting room and said that I can take the exam whenever I am ready. After a quick review of the summary I wrote about the things I found challenging (such as the port numbers as during my time as an IT auditor, I didn't memorize them all), I entered the exam room and faced the 100 questions.

If you have read my previous exam experience posts, you would notice that I am a big fan of do-it-quickly-then-review-it. However, turned out that for this exam, this doesn’t apply. I was stubborn even after I saw there was no "back" button on the exam page to go to the previous question. I kept doing it quickly thinking that it might have a “review all” option after I finished all the questions. To my surprise, after I completed the 100th questions, the only button left is “end exam”. Haha. I quietly had my panicky laugh because how can I be that stubborn to ignore the suspicion that I wouldn’t be able to review the answers. I finished the exam in 64 minutes out of the 120 minutes provided due to my obstinate attitude toward the sign. When you take the exam later, please learn from my mistake and use your time wisely.

I left the exam room hearing the TA ask me how was my exam experience. I told him that I was clueless that this exam didn’t let me go back to review my answers. He then told me usually exams have that feature, tried to console me. I thought I failed so I didn't have the courage to ask him about my results paper. While the exam was free, after all the effort I took during the supposed summer break when students usually don’t study at all, I found myself a bit disappointed.

“It’s okay. I learned my lesson that I shouldn’t treat everything solely based on my experience. Every case could be different.” I smiled at him eventually after regaining my balance.

“But you passed,” he handed me a piece of paper. It was the exam provisional results with the opening word 'congratulations'.

“Are you serious?” I couldn’t hide my shocked expression.

“Yes. Congratulations,” he threw me a reassuring smile as if he knew I wouldn’t believe the paper even when I read it by myself.

“Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help today,” I smiled at him back.

That confused face coincidentally reflected my actual expression upon receiving this paper :)

After the Exam

The day after the exam, I received an email stating that I officially passed the exam. The next step is to complete the online application, which the candidate must do within nine months of the exam date.  Within 24 hours after the application is completed, the candidate can perform the final step in the process which is paying the first Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF). Once the AMF payment is made, we will earn the certification.

You might ask, “so it is not actually free?”. It is free if all you want is knowledge provided in the training and the exam. It is still up to you whether you want to get the certification or not. In my case, as a little treat to myself, I don't mind spending $50 to get the certification. However, it is totally your choice to pay for it or not so don’t worry. Gaining knowledge and exam experience is valuable for us even without the certification.

The Tips

I wanted to close this post by sharing some tips based on my experience. First and foremost, understand why you need it. Only when you know the reason, do you have a strong determination to embrace the journey. Then, be sure to set aside enough time to study. Another important tip is to take advantage of all of the resources that are available to you. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling and ask someone when you are confused. Be sure to get plenty of rest and stay healthy in the days leading up to the exam. A clear mind and a healthy body will help you perform your best on exam day. Lastly, as you can't go back to the previous question, take your time to choose the answer before moving to the next question.

Okay. Before this post goes too long, I will end it here. I am happy to take your questions if you have any and if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out. I wish you all the best.


Indonesian Version: Pengalaman Mengikuti Ujian Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)


Jakarta, Indonesia