
Hello, this is me!

Nur Imroatun Sholihat

Your friend in learning IT audit Digital transformation advocate a-pat-on-your-shoulder storyteller

About me


I'mNur Imroatun Sholihat

IT Auditor and Storyteller

So I heard you are curious about IT and/or auditing. I'm your go-to buddy in this exciting journey. My typical professional life consists of performing (and studying!) IT audit and managing the award-winning magazine, Auditoria. Armed with a Master of Commerce in Digital Transformation from UNSW Sydney, I'm currently wearing multiple hats—ambassador at IIA Indonesia's Young Leader Community, mentor at ISACA Global, Head of Public Relations at MoF-Cybersecurity Community, and trainer at IIA Indonesia. You'll also find me sharing insights on my YouTube channel, speaking at seminars, and crafting content on LinkedIn. Let's connect and dive into the world of IT and auditing together!


Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts


“Dan kini ada dia mungkin Tuhan menguji aku. Namun bagaimana bila ikhlas tak hadir di hatiku?” (Surga yang Tak Dirindukan, composed by Melly Goeslaw)
Iya saya ngaku saya ketinggalan jaman bangeeeet baru nonton film “Surga yang Tak Dirindukan” baru-baru ini. Itu pun waktu tak sengaja menyalakan tv dan film ini sedang diputar. Saya ingat setahun yang lalu seorang teman berkata dia menangis tersedu-sedu menonton film garapan Kuntz Agus ini. Dan sekarang saya akhirnya tahu mengapa teman saya begitu terkesan pada film tersebut.


Hello there. Seperti yang saya ceritakan di tulisan Solo Trip to Jakarta, saya dan 2 sahabat saya sedang menggarap side blog bernama casualtwenties.com. Semuanya berawal dari cerita Mbak Momon tentang perasaannya ketika menjenguk bayi temannya. Kami kemudian bercerita tentang bagaimana kami masing-masing menghadapi hidup di masa yang seolah penuh tenggat waktu ini. Setelah melalui pembahasan yang cukup ngalor ngidul akibat kami kebanyakan maunya, blog ini disepakati untuk fokus pada bagaimana perempuan di usia 20-an a.k.a twenty-something menghadapi pernak-pernik kehidupannya dengan kasual. Karena tema besarnya adalah how to deal with twenty-something life casually, galau dan baper adalah hal yang harus kami hindari. Blog ini jadi semacam kontemplasi gimana kami melewati usia yang penuh dengan pertanyaan ini tanpa kehilangan kebahagiaan dan rasa syukur.


So, this morning my class attended a general lecture by Mr. Binsar H. Simandjuntak (Deputi Kepala BPKP Bidang Pengawasan Instansi Pemerintah Bidang Politik, Hukum, Keamanan, Pembangunan Manusia, dan Kebudayaan). He presented (arguably) most talked current issue in accounting: Accrual Basis Accounting Implementation in Indonesia. So, I wrote down the summary of his presentation and my opinion about it.


Album: Seoulite (Half Album)
Studio Album by Leehi
Producers: Epik High’s Tablo, DJ Tukutz, and Mithra Jin, Leehi

Hey, it’s been a long time I didn’t write any song or album review. So, I just found myself in love with this album. It's called Seoulite (Half Album) (I'm not a big fan of the second part of Seoulite. That's why I'm here only for the first half). It’s Leehi’s second album after her stunning debut album “First Love”. It took three years for the young diva to come back--to complete this album. Even when we thought her first album was well-made but surely we are gonna love her even more with her newest album. Leehi said this album is named Seoulite since people keep saying she’s so good at singing English songs but she wanted to restate herself as a Seoul girl. Different from her debut album which was a pop-soul-RnB based, her latest album is a hip-hop number (indeed her producers were hip-hop warriors). This album is gonna leave you in awe and of course, wondering just how beautiful Seoul is to have a singer like her.


For those who feel unfamiliar with these words, I give the translation. Taeyangui Huye means “Descendants of The Sun”, an extremely celebrated South Korea’s TV drama. Now it sounds familiar right? Because millions of people (maybe you're included. Hihi) enjoyed this drama. I was into it these days, after a very long time didn’t into any dramas. (Mostly I don’t enjoy watching drama. The dramas got my attention can be counted with fingers).


Hallo, diary. Very long time no see. Saya benar-benar males nulis akhir-akhir ini—hampir semua draft tulisan saya berhenti di angka 70% tanpa kejelasan. Ini tulisan apa hubungan kok butuh kejelasan segala. Hihihi.  Maka saya memaksakan diri menulis lagi meskipun hanya sebuah diary random. Hihi.

“Tuhan, jaga dia untukku
Kala ku masih jauh
Bagai menghitung resah berkepingan berderaian” 

                                                                                                (Jaga Dia Untukku-Siti Nurhaliza)


I was shamelessly lazy to write these days. If you ask me why, lately I don’t even know why I never touched one of my drafts to finish it. Not even busy but I was not into writing these days. Dan kalau ada yang mesti dipersalahkan dalam tidak menulisnya saya akhir-akhir ini, jawabannya adalah hobi baru yang mengalihkan dunia saya. Hihi.

IMZ’S DIARY 09112015

Rasanya lama banget saya nggak nulis Imz’s Diary padahal kayanya belum lama juga sih. Hihihi.

Kolom imzroadtolampung akhirnya nggak cuma berakhir sebagai wacana. Yey. Saya sudah nulis edisi pertama dan kedua. Banyak tempat yang pengen saya kunjungi di sini tetapi kaki saya belum mau diajak jalan. Mungkin kaki saya sedang lelah menghadapi peliknya kehidupan *apa sih *hihihi. These days I’m in the mood of writing short stories and I don’t even know why. Dulu saya pernah bilang kalau saya jadi banyak nulis itu entah karena kebanyakan ide, kebanyakan waktu luang, atau kebanyakan kegalauan. Nah, cerpen lebih dekat dengan yang ketiga nggak sih? Hihihi


Di antara sekian banyak quote di dunia yang menusuk ke hati, ada quote Sudjiwo Tejo yang berbunyi:

“Menikah itu nasib dan mencintai itu takdir.
Kau bisa berencana menikahi siapa
tetapi tidak bisa kau merencanakan cintamu untuk siapa.”

He probably busy on Monday / Tuesday seems too soon, don’t you think? / Wednesday feels kind of awkward / I don’t like Thursday for some reason / Oh this Friday / Oh, how is this Friday?/ It’s too hard to wait till the weekend / I only look at the clock 1,2,3,4 / My time is slow without you / I keep drawing your smile and hair / I might become a painter / A normal Friday? For me, it’s a fly day (Friday - IU feat Mino)


“So just shut up and be mine.”

I don’t know why but today I’m in the mood of listening "Be Mine" by 2NE1. I was doing some exercises and jogging this morning and suddenly this song jogged on my brain. So when I arrived in my room, this song was the first one I’m searching for. It has been a long time since the last time I listened to this song. Like the first time I heard the melody, this song always sounds so nice.


Jakarta, Indonesia